Quest for the Crown


Come one, come all!
Quest for the crown is a two day event. The first day is a team event where teams are placed into 2 pools and round robin. The teams will then match up with their counterpart from the other pool (1v1, 2v2, etc), for a total of 5 matches. First 10 teams to respond are in. Cost is $175. Weigh ins at 11 am, start at 12 noon. Is your team good enough to win the crown??
The second day is all about the girls. Its the first tournament of the season for girls, Royal Lady Jamboree. We will place the girls into pools, based on weight, and let them wrestle round robin and a chance to earn the crown! Cost is $10 per wrestler. Weigh ins the night before at your school (email weights/roster to email below). Wrestling begins at 9 am.
Send reservations and questions to


  • Female Quest for Crown.pdf
    233 KB · Views: 14
  • Quest for Crown.pdf
    258.5 KB · Views: 15
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